The Eddie Betts Foundation
“Making a positive impact in Aboriginal communities through sport and education”

The Eddie Betts Foundation is dedicated to making a positive impact in the community by providing support, opportunities, and resources to those in need. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to empower individuals and transform lives.
We offer a range of different programs, thinking deeply about what will best suit each young person, taking the time to understand their needs and aspirations, and their broader context and environment.
Our Approach
This involves a holistic assessment of each young person that considers individual potential, level of young person engagement, family context, educational and broader needs. We take seriously our obligation to ensure that each young person is best set up to benefit from working with the Foundation.
To achieve this, we work closely with families and relevant service providers and systems, connecting with local Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and community members to tailor our approach.

Our programs

“For as long as I can remember, supporting young people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities has been a passion of mine. Seeing the excitement in their eyes when they realise that they have the potential to achieve their dreams is an indescribable feeling.
It’s been a challenging road to get to where I am today. I know firsthand the obstacles that can stand in the way of pursuing education and sporting aspirations. That’s why I’m so driven to help others overcome those barriers and reach their goals.
Every program we offer through the Foundation is designed and led by members of the Aboriginal community, ensuring that cultural safety is at the forefront of everything we do. Together, we work to create opportunities, open doors, and provide unwavering support to those who need it most.
Join me on this journey and let’s make a difference in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, together.”